Furniture Leaders is a special furniture buying group comprised of fifty-one independent retailers with seventy-three store locations throughout the Pacific Northwest, United States. These members have joined their buying power together to bring you the absolute lowest prices on quality home furnishings. We are here to help you with your purchasing decisions and locating your furniture needs.

Mission Statement

Furniture Leaders, consisting of chosen independent home furnishing retailers throughout the Northwest, strives to be the best home furnishings supplier to each community we serve by consistently finding new ways to exceed the expectations of our customers.

Organizational Concepts

Furniture Leaders is a retailer-owned, not-for-profit corporation buying collectively to achieve the best possible pricing, product, service, terms, flow of goods, and providing members access to lines only available to major accounts. Thus putting small to large independent retailers in a competitive playing field and assuring the survival and profitability to each member. An active Board of Directors and Product Committee working with the operations and marketing staff providing sales and management training and skills, is a continuing responsibility and function of the corporation.